TN vs IPS vs VA Gaming Monitor

September 14, 2021

TN vs IPS vs VA Gaming Monitor

If you're looking to buy a gaming monitor, you might be overwhelmed by the different types of displays available. Terms like TN, IPS, and VA can be confusing, but don't worry, we're here to clear things up.

In this post, we'll explain the differences between these three types of displays, their pros and cons, and which one would be best for your gaming needs. So sit back, grab some popcorn, and let's dive in.

What are TN, IPS, and VA displays?

Before we compare these displays, let's first understand what they are.

TN (Twisted Nematic) Display

TN displays are the most popular type of displays among gamers because of their high refresh rate and low response time. They are also the most affordable.

However, TN displays have narrow viewing angles, less color accuracy, and poor contrast when compared to other display types.

IPS (In-Plane Switching) Display

IPS displays are known for their superior color accuracy and wide viewing angles. They also reproduce deep blacks, which is suitable for gamers who play in low-light conditions.

However, IPS displays have slower response times and are expensive when compared to TN displays.

VA (Vertical Alignment) Display

VA displays offer the best contrast ratio among the three display types, making them ideal for gamers who want to experience deeper blacks and brighter whites.

However, VA displays have slower response times, making them unsuitable for fast-paced games.

Comparison of TN vs IPS vs VA Displays

Let's now compare the three displays side by side and see how they stack up to one another.

Aspect TN Display IPS Display VA Display
Viewing Angles Narrow Wide Wide
Color Accuracy Poor Superior Good
Contrast Ratio Poor Good Best
Response Time Fast Slow Slow
Price Affordable Expensive Moderate

As we can see from the table, TN displays have the fastest response time and are the most affordable among the three types. However, they have narrow viewing angles and poor color accuracy.

IPS displays have superior color accuracy and wide viewing angles, but they are expensive and have slower response times.

Lastly, VA displays have the best contrast ratio among the three but have slower response times and are not suitable for fast-paced games.


So, which display should you choose for your gaming needs? It depends on your preferences and your gaming style.

If you're a competitive gamer who requires fast response times, then a TN display is your best bet.

If you're a casual gamer who values color accuracy and wide viewing angles, then an IPS display is for you.

But if you're a gamer who prefers deep blacks and brighter whites, then a VA display is the way to go.

Now that you understand the difference between TN, IPS, and VA displays, you can make an informed decision when purchasing your next gaming monitor.


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